Our newest addition...Luther!

Well...it's obviously been a long time since this blog has seen an update. If anyone has actually been checking for updates here in the last year, my apologies for not providing any new information about what's going on in our lives. It's not that I don't think about this blog (in fact I think about it quite often), it's just that I'm very good at procrastinating!

Now that I've got that guilt out of the way, I can move on to the exciting news (yes, news worth updating this blog for)!! Yesterday our fourth little monkey reared his head and decided it was time to enter this world. His name is Luther John Dyck.

Luther John Dyck, born April 2, 2012

Here are the stats:
Name: Luther John Dyck
Time: 2:12pm
Weight: 9lb 4.5oz
Length: 23in

Fortunately for us, Luther decided to come in a much more calm way than his older brother Aaron did. Yesterday around 8:30am Sandra thought she was having minor contractions and figured we'd better get to the hospital to get things checked out. Because we barely made it to the hospital for Aaron's birth, we were both a little anxious about getting there with plenty of time to spare for this baby. We hung around for the morning with Sandra not sure whether she was in labour or not, but the staff (and Sandra too) figured we'd better just settle in. In any case, shortly after 1:30pm Sandra had her first "real" contraction and 40 mins later out came Luther.

Luther and Sandra are both doing great and will be coming home this afternoon. All the kids are really excited to bring him home!

Here are a few more pics from yesterday and this morning...


  1. Ok, so I want to just eat Aaron up.....
    I may have a soft spot for sweet little blonde 2 year olds!!!
    love to all, Auntie Ila

  2. Congratulations on the newest addition to your family! Glad to hear all went well. I heard about Aaron's birth from my neighbour, Anna Schaeffer, not realizing that it was you that she was talking about. All the best with your little ones!

    Ruth Krahn Friesen
