Three carseats in the Matrix?!

So I decided to finally do a little 'new baby' prep and see if we could get three car seats into the back of our Toyota Matrix. To my surprise, they actually fit! It's tight, but the doors do close!

Three carseats in the Matrix (yes...with the doors closed)

Kids checking out the new backseat layout (but in the wrong seats)

So the good news is that we don't have to rush out and get another vehicle before the baby comes in winter. We don't even have to get any new car seats. The bad news is that it's not exactly convenient. In order for all three seats to fit, the baby basket must be on the edge, and we can't use the 'click-in, click-out' base. We always have to use the seat belt to strap the basket in. It's not so bad getting the basket in and the seat belt done up, but it's hard to get your hand between the two car seats to release the belt when everything is so tight. Since Sandra's taking about 5 months off with this baby, it won't be too bad because we'll usually be together with all the kids. We'll see what happens with our vehicle situation when she goes back to work full time.

As for layout, it will be Reuben on the curbside (i.e. passenger side), Greta in the middle, and the baby on the driver side. When loading, Greta can climb into the middle, and I can set the baby basket down on the boulevard while I strap Reuben into his seat. Greta in the middle next to the baby is also a 'gentler' option than Reuben next to the baby.

Hard work deserves a break once in a while


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