Aaron rolled over

Yesterday was the big day. Aaron rolled over for the first time. He was lying on the couch on his belly and then all of the sudden he looked the right way and over he went. (OK, maybe he had some coaching with his mother trying to get him to wield his big head in the right direction...) He seemed to be quite pleased with himself - not surprised or upset, just pleased - that he got out of being on his stomach! Today was the second time, so now we're really going to be motivated to get him to practice.

The other two kids have also sprouted some new skills:
Greta is really into "crafting" lately and has come up with some really neat pictures. (I hope to put some of these on tomorrow when I can get Dave to help me.) I remember my sister saying something about it "all being in the narrative" when it comes to the artwork of children. Whatever she may have meant, it's what I always think of when I see Greta's pictures and hear her tell me about all these fascinating things she's created!

And Reuben... well, he's now officially talking! "Duck! Duck!" he says. Sure enough, if you look outside, there's a truck. "Bed" is bread and is what he gets for breakfast after he's had us make a bowl of porridge and pour 2 bowls of cereal. "Neigh!" is what he says if he wants you to kneel down so he can climb on your back like a horse. It is done with the best little thrill that a 2 year old can make as he attempts to imitate his dad (and you can imagine this if you've ever heard Dave do a horse.)
He is very enthusiastic about greeting his grandpas on Skype or on the phone. It goes something like this:
"Hi! [pause] Grem'Pa'!" in a very loud voice repetatively.
The best one is "Geh-geh." You can guess who that is...

So with any luck, Dave will be able to donate a few minutes of his time tomorrow to help me post a few illustrations for the above. For all my glorious success last time, I haven't the foggiest idea how to get some pictures in here. (One of the hazards of having such a capable husband, I guess: there's just not a heck of a lot of motivation to learn some of these things...)


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