
Last week we returned home after a trip to Los Angeles where we met up with Ila & Darryl and their kids, Dan, and Lynette & Jon and their kids who live there. We flew there on a Monday and flew home 2 Thursdays later. Our purpose? Getting a chance to spend some much desired time with family!

Lynette and Jon bought a house this past summer in LA county, which we had not yet seen. While we were there we rented a third floor condo close to their house; it was large enough for us to share with Ila and Darryl. One of the draws of the area is a large city park that also contains an observatory and the zoo, Griffith Park. On several occasions we went there, as pairs, or large or small groups.

The highlight for me in terms of outings was definitely going to the ocean. Not the beach but the ocean. My favorite picture from that visit was this one of Greta. Of course she and Simon were being brave and holding hands waiting for waves to hit them. I wanted to take a picture of them and took this right after I heard her shout with a big smile that they were "standing strong" ...

Our total tourism of LA consisted of going to the aquarium, the science center, the zoo, and visiting the ocean and Santa Monica Beach, besides going for a few shopping trips and coffee runs. No LegoLand or Disney for us. Yes, we are not quite at that stage. Indeed it is pushing the limits of travel to try to do anything as a family with such a collection of pre-schoolers. But in my opinion it was absolutely worth it for all the memories.


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