Happy 3rd Birthday Reuben!!

So today was Reuben's 3rd Birthday! Hard to believe. The kids and I tried to make the best of the day, but sickness unfortunately caught us off guard this morning.
(NOTE: if you're not aware, Sandra's been in Vancouver for a week, and has two more weeks there till she returns home).

I woke up at 7:00am to the sound of a feverish Aaron gagging and throwing up in his crib. Not exactly the best way to start the day. He threw up again at breakfast after 3 or 4 bites of oatmeal, but luckily I was prepared with a bucket and managed to catch every last bit (woohoo...no mess to clean up!!). Aaron proceeded to eat (and hold down) only grapes, oranges and milk for the rest of the day (he wouldn't even eat the cake and ice cream we had after supper).

Reuben managed to muster a positive spirit at two points during the day. The first was just after breakfast when I gave him his birthday presents.

Happy birthday boy with a new train and airplane!

The second was after supper when we had cake and ice cream.

A birthday with the puke bucket close by

Reuben hardly ate any breakfast (which is unusual), so it was clear from early in the morning that he was feeling under the weather too. If you don't know, Reuben is our 'puker', so I was glad that he managed to get through the day without throwing up (although, as you can see from the picture, he kept the bucket close by all day)! If he starts throwing up tomorrow, I expect it will last for a couple of days.

Greta did show any signs or complain of being sick until bedtime, but I'm hoping that it was just fatigue. Anyway...here's hoping for health!


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