An Update...Finally!

Okay...due to my lack of posts for the past 3 months, if you haven't talked with us directly at some point you're probably thinking either:

1) I'm still sick
2) My sickness got the better of me and no one told you the bad news
3) The procrastination bug got me

And the answer is..............................wait for it..............................Number 3!
(I just know you got it right!)

The past 3 months have gone by very quickly. I'd like to describe a bit more of what we've been up to, but I think I'll save that for another post (or maybe several). This is just a short blurb to give an idea of where we're currently at, and to show a picture of Sandra pregnant so that when the baby comes everyone isn't like "What? Sandra was pregnant? When did that happen?".

Sandra at 37 weeks!

Sandra is now on her second week of maternity leave. Her back-to-work date is May 3rd, so she'll be off for about 5 months. Things have been going well while she's been home, and hopefully that will continue after the new baby comes. Sandra is 38 weeks today, so based on Greta and Reuben's birth dates, we're expecting the baby any day now (we realize it could still be a few more weeks...but hopefully not).

Greta is on a two week break from preschool and loving the fact that Sandra is around a whole lot more than normal. Her days are filled with playing (both inside and outside in the snow), colouring, running around the house in a seemingly never ending loop, and making up songs that include pretty much anything that is on her mind (usually it's a mix of Disney CARS characters, preschool, home life, and her cousins that she hasn't seen now in 6 months).

Reuben continues to grow and develop both physically and mentally at a pace much faster than his vocabulary. He now has 2.5 words...mama, dada, and me (but it sounds more like meh, so I just give it a 0.5). He loves chasing Greta around the house and is always trying to copy her. He's a super energetic and happy kid, and almost always has a smile on his face.

And me...well, I'm still adjusting to having another adult around the house. Sandra and I have been working really well together over the past week doing Christmas and baby preparations, and hopefully we'll be able to keep it up over the next few months while we're both home with the new baby. I haven't done much physically since bike riding in summer, so I've started exercising and I feel like it's starting to give me some new and much needed energy. The illness I had in Sept lasted about 6-8 weeks, but all has been well for some time now.

With no family nearby, our Christmas schedule is pretty relaxed. We have 2 planned 'gatherings', both with the other Residents that are in Sandra's training program. Other than that we'll just be hanging around at home eating good food and playing with the kids. We don't have any New Year's plans, but with the prospect of a 1 week old at that time, we may just want to go to bed early anyway.


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