Happy New Year...still waiting (sigh)

Happy New Year!! And yes...we're still waiting for this baby to come. I guess we really shouldn't be impatient seeing as Sandra's official due date is still 4 days away, but after having kids at the 37 and 38.5 week mark, you expect the next one to come at least a little bit early. Any day now I suppose...

Our new year's eve was relaxed. We stayed home by ourselves and had some treats/snacks with the kids. After they went to bed we watched the first part of The Lord of the Rings. Now we're feeling the itch to watch the next two parts because it's pretty unsatisfying to watch only the first part of a trilogy. The movie ended 10 minutes after midnight, so it was perfect timing...at least we stayed up into the the new year! We've never been away for the turn of the year, so it was weird thinking about how at 11:00pm our time it was already the new year back in Manitoba.

On new year's day we decided to switch the kids bedrooms around and get them sleeping in their final destinations for after the baby is in the crib. Greta is now in her own room in a single bed, Reuben is now in Greta's toddler bed, and the crib is vacant and waiting the arrival of the baby. Since Reuben's the best sleeper, we decided he would get to share a room with the baby. At least we have a chance that he'll be able to sleep through any nighttime commotion...with Greta it would probably be 0%.

Greta's new bed and room

Reuben and baby's room

We weren't sure how much work it would be transitioning Reuben out of his crib, but so far it's been okay. He had been able to get out of his crib for a few days now, so we thought we might as well make all the sleeping changes at the same time, since once the baby finally arrives our night's are going to be mucked up anyway. At first Reuben was a little hesitant about the new bed, but at the same time there was some excitement as well.

But when it came time for a nap, he was not impressed. I stayed with him for quite a while, but every time I tried to leave he would start his 'scared' cry. After I finally left his room, he probably only cried for about 5 minutes before falling asleep. Unfortunately, his nap only lasted 1.5 hours as he woke up when he fell out of the bed! He hasn't fallen out since, but he still cries when I leave him. I've been closing (and locking) his door so he can't get out, and he always tries to get out, but so far he's always managed to at least get back into his bed before falling asleep. As you can see in the picture below, he wasn't in the most comfortable position when he fell asleep for his nap today!

A VERY tired Reuben asleep in his new bed

Greta on the other hand, loves her new bed and room. So far we're 1-for-1 with her not coming to our bed in the middle of the night...hopefully it's a trend that continues!

Happy kids!


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