Day 3 with Aaron

After reading my blog post of Aaron's birth, Sandra was curious as to why I didn't post some of the very first pictures I took of Aaron. They were of Aaron and Sandra in the hospital ER, and Sandra still had her coat on. At the time, Sandra wasn't too thrilled with me taking pictures, so I didn't post any of them. Now that she's seen the pictures, and realizes that she doesn't look 'puffy' and 'in labour', I have the go ahead.

Aaron immediately after being born

Many of you have also asked in emails whether or not Sandra was really only in labour for 30 minutes. The answer to this is Yes. She had some cramping a week earlier, and two weeks earlier, but nothing that morning before 6:30am. She guesses that she was probably quite dilated for maybe even a couple of days before her contractions started, but she hadn't been examined at any of her previous appointments, so there's no way to know for sure. In any case, she says that's something that won't happen again; she'll request an exam (that is...if we decide to have more kids).

There's not much to say about Aaron at this point. He and Sandra both came home from the hospital on Wed morning, so they were there for about 30hrs. I think like most newborns, he sleeps all day, and is up all night. But hopefully that changes soon, now that Greta and Reuben are finally both sleeping well. He's a bit jaundiced, but he's also starting to look a lot cuter now that his face is starting to fill out a little.

Three day old Aaron (he definitely has his mother's fingers)


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